Announcing Pantry Hopper [Deprecated]

Has this ever happened to you?

You’re working from home, have a meeting in 20 minutes and haven’t had lunch yet. There is not enough time so you get some fast food. You later discover plenty of lunch options at home. You start running scenarios in your head, I could have:

  • had lunch at home
  • saved money / gas / environment (less waste)
  • (probably) had a healthier meal
  • …..

After experiencing this for the umpteenth time, as I was throwing away fast-food trash I realized there had to be another way.
Out of that a new application was born.

Pantry Hopper is a meal tracker decision application for the rest of us. It is designed to help answer questions such as “What’s for lunch?”. Pantry Hopper makes it dead simple to

  • Bulk add items from your receipt
  • Organize using tags
  • Scan receipt, rename and tag items

Check out Pantry Hopper-Beta